.This product is designed specifically for 5th Grade Language Arts. I can make other intermediate grades if there is demand for it.This is designed to be used along side a read-aloud, silent reading book, or book from home. This product reinforces the importance of reading at home so students are. For users of the EL Education K-5 Language Arts Curriculum content: Unless otherwise indicated, all work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY). For users of our Grades 6-8 ELA Curriculum content: Unless otherwise indicated, all work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial.
Standards in this strand:
Conventions of Standard English:
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Homeworkmr. Mingolello's 5th And 6th Grade Ela
Ensure that pronouns are in the proper case (subjective, objective, possessive).
Use intensive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves).
Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.*
Recognize and correct vague pronouns (i.e., ones with unclear or ambiguous antecedents).*
Recognize variations from standard English in their own and others' writing and speaking, and identify and use strategies to improve expression in conventional language.*
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Use punctuation (commas, parentheses, dashes) to set off nonrestrictive/parenthetical elements.*
Knowledge of Language:
Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Vary sentence patterns for meaning, reader/listener interest, and style.*
Maintain consistency in style and tone.*
Homeworkmr. Mingolello's 5th And 6th Grade Ela Grade
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use:
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word's position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., audience, auditory, audible).
Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.
Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase (e.g., by checking the inferred meaning in context or in a dictionary).
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
Interpret figures of speech (e.g., personification) in context.
Use the relationship between particular words (e.g., cause/effect, part/whole, item/category) to better understand each of the words.
Distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions) (e.g., stingy, scrimping, economical, unwasteful, thrifty).
Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Daily Homework Assignments:
It is very important that students get into the habit of recording their homework assignments in their homework agendas daily. They are given five minutes at the end of each class to copy down homework from the whiteboard.
Other Important Information:
Reading Daily and Reading Logs
It is very important that our students read every day. To help them accomplish this, they are expected to read for 25-30 minutes each night, fill out their reading logs, and have them signed by an adult in the family. These reading logs will be discussed during parent/teacher conferences and count as part of their homework grade for each quarter. Reading logs, as well as reader’s notebooks, should be taken home and returned daily.
Additional reading logs can be found here: Reading Log
Reader’s and Writer’s Notebooks
Each student is required to have two 5 subject spiral notebooks for language arts. On the cover of one it should have their name and “Reader’s Notebook” written on it, and on the other notebook it should have their name and “Writer’s Notebook” written on it. They will be used to take notes during daily lessons.
These notebooks will be checked routinely and count as part of your student’s participation grade. They will also be a great way for you to look through and get a better sense of what it is they’re learning. So be sure to sit down with your student and page through their Reader’s Notebook with them every once in a while and have them explain some of the things they’re doing or have done in language arts.
Additional Assignments
In addition to reading for 25-30 minutes every night and filling out their reading logs, on most days students will have a reading/writing assignment that connects to the lesson we learned that day. Often times these assignments will be completed in either their Reader’s Notebook or their Writer’s Notebook.
Grading Scale:
A 100-90
B 89-80
C 79-70
D 69-60
F 59-0
Grading Rubric for Participation (scale out of 10):
10 = Student makes an honest effort, successfully demonstrates that they understand the skill or strategy that they are working on, and contributes positively to the overall learning of the classroom by staying focused on their task, helping others, and participating in reflective discussions about their work.
9 = Student makes an honest effort, demonstrates that they understand most of the skill or strategy that they are working on, and contributes some to the overall learning of the classroom.
8 = Student makes an effort but is not consistent, has some difficulty demonstrating that they understand the skill or strategy that they are working on, and contributes some to the overall learning of the classroom.
7 = Student’s effort is minimal, has difficulty demonstrating that they understand the skill or strategy that they are working on, and doesn’t contribute to the overall learning of the classrroom.
6 = Student’s effort is minimal, does not understand the skill or strategy that they are working on, and doesn’t contribute to the overall learning of the classroom.
5 = Student makes no effort, does not understand the skill or strategy that they are working on, and contributes negatively to the overall learning of the classroom by distracting others.