This program is a joint government effort between the National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology Directorate (S&T), and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
Online FAR Masterclass by Prof. Jeroen Suijs on 'Does the private owner-managed firm audit market serve a different purpose?' 22 January 2021 Online Event 15:30 - 17:00 More information. Latest publications. 15 Dec, 2020 FAR Working Paper - Professional Skepticism. OLMS AI/CI Program: Home. Classroom Notes Community Based Instruction; Photo Gallery; ART- Hi! My name is Lisa Crystal, and I am an art therapist with FAR.
Program Track Director Q&A Sessions
Working in partnership with Vertiv was already a no brainer due to their world class market position and global end to end product set. This has been enhanced significantly by the Vertiv Partner Program with a range of benefits which has allowed us to take even greater advantage of what Vertiv can offer. Georgia Tech’s Contracting Education Academy (The Academy) is presenting a four-day course, beginning on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, covering all of the fundamentals of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), including how to navigate the FAR’s 2,000 pages.
Attend an Admissions Q&A Session
Far Conservatory Olms Ai Ci Program 2017
Far Conservatoryolms Ai Ci Program Login
Is the MMSCI a Residential or Online Program?
For the academic year 2021-2022, the MMSCI program is being planned as a residential program (both the Translational Investigation and Clinical Investigation tracks). The learning model will utilize a mix of in-person and online teaching methods. The main component of MMSCI is the mentored research experience and is required to be residential. Students with extenuating circumstances precluding their ability to be present in Boston may petition the program leadership for an exemption to the residential requirement. These cases will be reviewed on an individual basis.
On November 4, 2020, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Harvard University approved a residency waiver for students for the academic year (AY) 2021-2022who are unable to travel to Boston. This waiver is only for 1 year. Prior to the program start date, students who are unable to come to Boston are required to petition program leadership seeking an exemption. Please note that all plans are subject to change, following University and Governmental policies and guidance.
Can you provide examples that would qualify for the residency waiver?
Students with extenuating circumstances precluding their ability to be present in Boston are required to petition program leadership for an exemption. Some examples of exemptions include:
- Inability to travel because of government mandates or local travel restrictions.
- Inability to travel or obtain a visa because of public health restrictions, either locally in your country or in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
- COVID-19 related underlying health issues for the student and/or dependent family members.
What is the weekly time commitment of this degree program?
All students are expected to attend all lectures in each course, whether they are delivered by in-person or online teaching methods. One can expect to spend an average of 30 – 40 hours per week engaged with coursework and the mentored research experience.
- A two-year intensive, mentored research experience at a Harvard-affiliated laboratory in Boston
- Leading clinical and translational research faculty from Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and laboratories from Harvard-affiliated organizations
- Fully integrated curriculum designed specifically for MMSCI students
- Contemporary pedagogical approaches such as “flipped classroom” methods, team-based learning and development of critical thinking skills
- Specialized tracks and pathways for individualized learning
- A biostatistician will be assigned to each student. They will help the student to download, clean and prepare datasets for analysis; help with analysis and interpretation of data.
Specialized Tracks and Pathways for Individualized Learning
To complement individual learning and development, the program provides students the choice of a Clinical Investigation (CI) or a Translational Investigation (TI) track and places a core emphasis on practical skills and team-based approaches in each track’s training. Additionally, the CI track offers a choice of comparative research pathway or a clinical trials pathway for individualized learning.
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